N01SE.jpg, 2019

Photography, Digital Print

In the age that everything has converted into photography:

photo of a birthday party,

photo of food,

photo of performance art,

photo of revolution,

photography is like an empty container anticipated for a fulfillment. The reality is actualized and reproduced since the second that light shed on the sensor, bearing its existence as a result. However if this container reposits a void, will it still be capable of existing on its own ontologically?  

Voids usually exist in some parts of a photo that is too dark or bright to the degree that its light value can’t be sensed or evaluated properly. When the technology of a digital photography tries to record these indecipherable values,  it causes a defective pixel or a “noise” to appear as an unrelated colour dots. Conventionally, photographers tend to avoid these noises or other defective factors that may occur. This causes the competition in the development of digital photographic technology that tries to reduce or eliminate them. Hence, the noise elimination efficiency of a camera is like a memory or a trace of the digital photographic technology of its time. In another aspect, it is an action of a camera that tries to remember those shades and light despite of resulting in a rendered void at last.

While some photographs were perceived as a separated entity and appreciated in terms of values and meanings per se, the cameras that created those pictures instead were overlooked--  not recognized as an entity per se -- except in its aspects of techniques and physical appearances.
For me, a camera has a memory and a life of itself. Traces of the dust, scratches, dead pixels, and  defects from a sensor are its aging process or an experience just like human.

Canon 60D is my first and only DSLR camera since 2011. I would like to record a memory and a trace of the technology of this camera. I am searching for the ways to discover and reproduce those noises caused by them through the photographic experimentation -- of which darkness, brightness, spatial condition, and the enigma in-between are investigated and captured.